Monday, September 30, 2019

The man who shouted Fire and cried Wolf!

The Nankipooh Enquirer and The Tommy-Town News
“Covers the South like Sorghum Syrup”
Scoop Biggers: Ace Reporter

Adam Schiff is like a man who shouts Fire! In a crowded theater just so he won’t have to wait in line to buy popcorn.

Scoop Biggers
This article can be viewed at:
Also available at AOL's Oconee Patch:

"Make Fried Catfish the National Dinner"

Friday, September 27, 2019


The Nankipooh Enquirer

Editor in Chief: Bascomb Biggers

Ace Reporter: Scoop Biggers


Am I the only one that finds it Incredible, and Outrageous, That someone is secretly making audio recordings of the President of the United States in a closed door meeting with his staff, and then giving the tape to a big city newspaper? Also it is Outrageous that the "Big Investigator", "Little Adam" does not consider this a breach of National Security. No wonder there is talk of a SPY in the White House, and just Who does this Spy work for?

The Investigators are too Corrupt to be Investigating!

Scoop Biggers, Ace Reporter

The Nankipooh Enquirer​


"Make Fried Chicken the National Dinner"

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Facts Mam, just the Facts

The Nankipooh Enquirer
The Tommy-Town Times
"Covers the South like Sorghum Syrup"
P. O. Box 48
Nankipooh, Georgia
Tommy_Town, Georgia
Editor in Chief: Colonel Bascomb Biggers
Ace Reporter : Scoop Biggers 

"The Facts, Mam, just the Facts"

A former Federal Prosecutor was interviewed on the news last night and asked what he thought of the "Formal Impeachment Inquirery.  His reply was, "I always wanted to have the evidence of a crime in mind, before I filed charges."

It seems that Jerry (Little Napoleon) Nadler and and "Little" Adam Schiff do not subscribe to that theory!


Friday, September 13, 2019

Christians in Today's World


There are those who will tell you that God did not plan for Today's world, and that the Bible cannot be used to deal with modern dilemmas. God gave us a set of rules to live by, he did not say, use the word of the father until it is out of date!

There is a movement to streamline Christian Churches and concentrate decision making into a smaller group of people. This will also enable more drastic changes in fundamental beliefs.

BEWARE ! All who speak of God do not always represent him.

Below is something you should read and think about, in order to form a better opinion' Remember, many things are not always what they seem. - Scoop Biggers

Canoeing the Mountains: Christian Leadership in Uncharted Territory
by Tod Bolsinger
Church ministry in the future will not be like church ministry in the past. After 1700 years, Christianity is no longer the dominant worldview in the Western world. The days ahead will be dramatically different than those behind us and will require new skills for those of us who are called to lead. In “Canoeing the Mountains,” Tod Bolsinger gives us a guidebook to help lead our congregations into this new landscape.

PRAY for GOD'S help and understanding