Saturday, September 15, 2018

The Rule of Law

The Nankipooh Enquirer
The Tommy-Town Times
"Covers the South like Sorghum Syrup"
"The Rule of Law"

We have always been a nation who believes in the rule of law, and we have written a whole bunch of laws over the last couple of centuries just to prove the point.  The Constitution of the Good Old USA laid the framework for how these laws are supposed to work.  Things like "Innocent until proven Guilty".  You see, under Old King George's Law, if you got accused of breaking the law, you had to prove you didn't do it.  Another thing is the "Right to confront your Accuser".  That way your neighbor can't say you been stealing chickens, without you knowing who said it, and be able to get them to produce some facts as to your guilt.

Of course there has been a couple of times when the old ship of state has strayed off course, like back when that McCarthy fella was calling folks "Commies" and causing them to lose their jobs, and all sorts of other punishment without facts, or even a glance at "The Rule of Law".

They say that History is bound to repeat itself, and I'd say that's what we are seeing right now, what with all the gossip stories and downright lies being highlighted by the "News".  Let me just say this; Printing stories from "Anonymous Sources" without names or facts to support them is just "Gossip" and don't belong in the "News".

Now you probably know that Old Bascomb don't have no use for Professional Politicians, whether they be Skunks (Republicans) or Polecats (Democrats), and I'm starting to have a hard time finding a Journalist I can trust also.  With all the hatred between the two parties, and News Folks trying to cash in on whisper campaigns, it is hard to ferret out the truth, no matter how hard you try.

Let me just say this, don't believe anything, no matter who says it, if the story does not name who's telling it, with facts and dates to support it, and at least a few others who can testify to the truth and the facts being talked about.  Let's get back to "Rule of Law" and stop listening to "Anonymous Sources" and stories that can't be verified.

Remember, it ain't True or False just because you want it to be!

"That's just the way I see it and you can tell'em I said so"

 Bascomb Biggers
"Make Fried Catfish the National Dinner"

Saturday, August 25, 2018

"Fake News" or "Yellow Journalism"

“Fake News or “Yellow Journalism”

With all of the back and forth between politicians and journalists, it is difficult to ferret out the truth in most issues facing America today.  While not subscribing to the theory of “Fake News”, I do find the stain of “Yellow Journalism” to be so stained as to resemble orange, while “Demagoguery” has become “Politics as Usual”.  The presence of un-verified stories in our news flow today is of unprecedented volume.  It seems that any juicy gossip or “un-confirmed source” story is quickly placed in the mix without hesitation in an attempt to “scoop” the competition.  The “Professional-Politician” uses these questionable reporting tactics as a diversion to what may actually be incriminating.

Meanwhile the population, the majority of which are divided into two camps of “Right” and “Left”, are easily distracted by the uproar, and align themselves with which ever set of “Facts” that support their own biased opinions.  Each side firmly believes they are correct.  If you do not believe this, then just watch the reporting of the same story on the evening news on two opposing major TV networks, and then try to objectively determine the “Real Truth”.

It is said that our governing officials and our press are mirrors of our society.  Well take a good look, and then remember, “Divide and Conquer”.  As long as this battle continues, there is no “Winner” for America!  Only tolerance and compromise between opposing viewpoints can triumph over those who wish the downfall of our great country.

Scoop Biggers “Ace Reporter”
(A.K.A.  N B Bentley

"Make Fried Catfish the National Dinner"

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Politics as Usual

"Politics as Usual"

Me and Old Bascomb have been calling the Republicans and the Democrats the "Skunks" and the "Polecats" for years now since, they quit running the government and started fighting with one another.  Here we go again, one of their main jobs is paying the bills, and they ain't done that right in more than a decade.  It don't matter who is in control, the other side won't let nothing pass through cause they want the other side to look bad for the next election.  Meanwhile the country is dead in the water, and neither side cares.

Oh they talk big, but like a wise old man said, "you can tell when a politician is lying, cause it starts as soon as his lips start to move".  As Old Bascomb once said, "the only job a professional politician is interested in is to get elected, get all the money they can get, and then get re-elected, nothing else matters to them".

My only question is, "how long are the American people gonna stand for this foolishness and fire the whole lot of them?"

Scoop  Biggers