Tuesday, December 23, 2014

7th Grade at Nankipooh School

"7th grade at Nankipooh School"

Well after a long hot Nankipooh summer, we were looking forward to getting back to school and starting the seventh grade, which at Nankipooh was like being seniors at high school, and we were looking forward to the beginning of football season, since we figured we had a pretty good team.  Well right off the bat three unusual things happened.  First we found out that the new seventh grade teacher was a man, and there had not been a man teaching at Nankipooh before.  The second unusual thing was that this new teacher did not drive a regular car like everybody else.  He did not drive a Ford or a Chevy, but instead he had a funny looking little foreign car called a Simca, and the only foreign car any of us had ever seen was a Volkswagon.  So right off the bat we were a little suspicious of this "new guy".  Finally, there was a new kid in our class, and he rode a motorcycle to school.  We never knew his name, but he was three years older than the rest of us, and when he said "just call me Rocky", we did just that because we were all pretty scared of him.
It seems also, that Mr. Richardson, the new seventh grade teacher, as well as Nellie Smith, the principal were kinda scared of him as well.  It seems that Rocky was just going to school for a few months until he turned sixteen, so that he could drop out of school, and get a job down at the textile mill.  Mr. Richardson never said much to him at all.  Rocky would just sit at his desk and stare down at the floor, and pretend that he was the commentator at a stock car race, and he was pretty good at it to, cause I would listen to him a lot when he would be saying things like, "Its Fireball Roberts in the lead coming down the back straightaway, with Junior Johnson and Richard Petty racing for second right behind him".  I enjoyed it so much, that I am still a stock car fan today.  After about four months Rocky was gone, and we never saw him or heard from him again.
We also learned pretty quick that Mr. Richardson, who we liked to call "Doberman" from the character on the "Sergeant Bilko" TV show, in addition to not disciplining Rocky,  wasn't much of a teacher either.  It seems that he liked history and geography, but wasn't much on math and English.  In fact we studied English so little, that when I got to junior high school, the teachers could not understand why I knew so little about grammar and sentence structure, until I told them that we really didn't have English class at Nankipooh.  The truth is I was not a very good student either.
As a matter of fact, I got into so much trouble, that by the middle of the year "Doberman" had me pull my desk right up against his desk in the middle row, where he could whack me with a yardstick whenever he thought I needed it. The front desk in the middle row used to belong to Carolyn, who was the best student in our class, but after he made me take the front desk, she had to sit in the one behind me.  One day when he got really mad with me, he picked up a blackboard eraser from where he was standing up at the blackboard, and threw it at me as hard as he could.  Well I ducked and that eraser hit Carolyn right in the eye.  I believe "Doberman" got in a lot of trouble over that one.
I wasn't the only one who got into trouble, it seems like most of the boys in the seventh grade class got into trouble.  One time when "Doberman' left the room for a while most of us went and hid in the closet at the back of the room, so that when he came back, it looked like half the class was gone.  It was so difficult for them to figure out who was to blame for these things, that toward the end of the year it got to be pretty routine to hear Nellie Smith get on the PA system and say, "all of the seventh grade boys come down to the Principal's office. One time when we were all crowded into her office she told us that we all were going to get a whipping unless someone confessed to being the ring leader on that particular day.  I don't remember if anyone confessed, but I do remember the feel of that yardstick on my backside.  While I was at Nankipooh, I don't remember those big old heavy yardsticks being used for anything but whippings.
On the bright side of things, we had a pretty good football team and softball team that year, in fact we won the league championship for football that year. Our little touch football league included Double Churches, Britt David, and a few our schools in the surrounding area.  At the end of the regular season we were tied with Double Churches for first place, and it was decided that there would be a playoff game.  For some reason or other, that game kept getting postponed, and was finally scheduled for a week in January after we got back to school from the Christmas Holiday.  We played the game at Nankipooh, and as I remember it was about thirty degrees that day.  Well us Southern Boys always played in our canvass sneakers, but we believed we could run faster bare-footed, so we played the game without shoes.  We won the game, and the championship, but my feet were so cold that I thought my toes were gonna fall off!  The bad thing was that we were supposed to get a trophy, but we were told that because the game was played so long after the season that there would be no trophy, but we were still mighty proud, cause after all, Double Churches was sorta our arch rival, and they knew that we had whipped them.
Funny, but that football game was one of the few fond memories that I have of Mr. Richardson, who was a better coach than he was a teacher.  Six months later we would be leaving Nankipooh School and moving out into a bigger world, but we took a lot of fond memories with us.  Of course one of my favorite memories was the look on Doberman's faced when I ducked, and that eraser hit Carolyn right in the eye.

6th Grade at Nankipooh School

"6th grade at Nankipooh School"

After a wonderful year with Miss Ledford in the fifth grade, things took a real turn for the worse when I started the sixth grade, with the strictest teacher at Nankipooh, Mrs. Leonora Powell, who was in some ways more scarey than Nellie Smith the Principal.  I don't recall Mrs. Powell ever whipping anybody, but she sure sent a bunch of kids down to Mrs. Smith's office to get their whipping. A lot of the boys in our class called her "Old Lady Powell".
I was a member of the School Safety Patrol back then, and as we called it back then, I was a Patrol Boy.  Me and Carney were in charge of the street crossing in front of the school, which was the Fortson Road, a Muscogee County main thoroughfare headed north out of Columbus on its way past Nankipooh toward Fortson, Georgia.


One day when I was "on patrol" by myself, two boys crossed the road north of my crossing, where there was no cross-walk, which was strictly against the rules.  I raced up to them, and after a brief struggle, I was able to "collar" them and haul them back to the school. There I brought them before the Vice Principal, "Old Lady" Powell, who was in charge since the principal had gone home for the day.  After learning that I had used un-due force in apprehending the two suspects, she released them and took my Patrol Boy's badge from me.  The next day I was arraigned before Mrs. Smith who told me that she was going to return my badge, but that I had been up for promotion to sergeant, and under the circumstances, and also to appease "Old Lady" Powell, the promotion would be given to someone else.

Now when she heard that my badge had been returned, "Old Lady" Powell was outraged, and declared that as extra punishment, I would not be allowed to appear on the local TV station the following week, where our sixth grade class was scheduled to preform a demonstration of square dancing.  Now this was quite a blow to me, since the class had been rehearsing for this big event for more than six months.  After that, my career in law enforcement was never the same.  I was bitter because everyone in the sixth grade was on TV except me, and I never made officer in the Safety Patrol either.  Who knows, if I had made sergeant in the sixth grade, I might have been promoted to lieutenant, or maybe even captain in the seventh grade.
I can tell you one thing for sure, I was sure glad to get out of the sixth grade at the end of the school year, and I was hoping that maybe Mrs. Powell would be gone before the next year started, but of course, she was still there, so I had to spend a lot of time trying to stay out of her way.  Looking back on it after all of these years, I suppose Mrs. Powell was really a pretty good teacher, but I don't think anybody would think that she was kind-hearted, especially the boys.  I know one thing though, I ain't never cared much for square dancing ever since the sixth grade.


Tuesday, December 9, 2014

5th Grade at Nankipooh School

"5th grade at Nankipooh School"

The summer between the 4th and 5th grades was great.  I had some new friends to play with, and we spent countless hours running through the woods around Nankipooh,  playing Cowboys and Indians, or Army.  Just about every Wednesday Grandpa took me fishing with him.  He had a man come in on Wednesday and run his store for him in the afternoon, and we went fishing at The Blackmon's place out on the Whitesville Road. The Blackmons were cousins of ours, and they had a fabulous place.  It was a fishing paradise, because they had three lakes, and the fish were always biting in at least one of them.  So when it came time to go back to school, I was not that thrilled about the idea.
That all changed after I started school in the 5th grade.  First I learned that I had a chance to play softball on the Nankipooh Softball Team, but even more important than that, I met my first true love.  She was a goddess, just about the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.  It was her first year at Nankipooh, and she was straight out of college from Tennessee, and she was the new 5th grade teacher at Nankipooh, Linda Ledford.  I still am in love with her, even though I was only ten years old at the time.
I had never bothered to comb my hair except when I went to church on Sunday, and most of the time my mother combed it for me, cause after all, who cares about your hair when you are ten years old.  Well after that first week in Miss Ledford's class, I asked my mother to get me some hair tonic, and she brought home a bottle of Vasoline Hair Oil.  The next morning I put about half that bottle on my head, and was slicked down better than a greased pig, except for a cowlick in the back, which stood straight up no matter how much oil I poured on it. I guess I looked a lot like Alphalfa from the old Spanky and Our Gang TV show.  When I showed up at school, I didn't think the kids would ever stop laughing.  I'm not sure what effect it had on Miss Ledford, but she didn't laugh, and was always kind to me, even though I don't think she ever knew what a crush I had on her.

The good thing about all this, was that because I didn't want to disappoint her, I got all A's for the whole year, even one for good conduct and behavior, which never happened again, ever.  In fact for the rest of my life as a student, I rarely ever got any A's at all, but I got lots of bad marks for behavior.  The other really good thing about the fifth grade was that I started playing softball, football, and basketball for Nankipooh School, which continued for the whole time I was there. 
When I look back on things, I guess that 1957 was just about the best year ever.  On top of meeting Miss Ledford, I got to take an airplane flight to St. Louis, where we went to the baseball game between the St. Louis Cardinals and the Milwaukee Braves, which featured Stan Musial and Hank Aaron playing against each other  I got an autographed picture o "Stan the Man" when we had dinner at his restaurant, and Hank and the Braves went on to win the world series that year.  While at the airport, I had a chance to meet my favorite TV cowboy, James Arness , who played Matt Dillion on "Gunsmoke".  To cap off that wonderful year, I got to go to the Georgia - Auburn football game, which was played in Columbus in those days.  Auburn won the game, and went on to become the 1957 National Champions.  I became a n Auburn fan right then, much to the dismay of my mother who went to Georgia.
I also fell in love with automobiles that year, because the folks at Chevrolet produced the 1957 Belair Convertible, one of the prettiest cars ever made and still in great demand today.  But, despite all of these terrific things happening to me in 1957, the best of all was going to school at Nankipooh in the fifth grade with Linda Ledford as my teacher!


Monday, December 1, 2014

The Nankipooh School Series: 4th Grade at Nankipooh

"4th grade at Nankipooh School"

By the time I started the fourth grade at Nankipooh School, I had become a shore enough "Southern Boy" who knew how to fish the small creeks around Nankipooh and run barefooted through the woods all summer long.  When we started school that first day in 1956, I had a pleasant surprise when I found out that Mrs. Revelle, my friend from the third grade, had also been promoted, and was now the teacher of the fourth grade, so things were really looking up for this "Napa Cowboy" turned "Nankipooh Southern Boy".   It looked like it was going to be a great year for me at Nankipooh, and, I wasn't the new kid at school anymore either, since there were a couple of new boys in my class.
Then things took a turn for the worse, when I discovered two things which I did not know about.  One was the trouble little girls can get little boys into, and the second was Elvis Presley.
Mrs. Revelle had a morning devotional in her class every morning, and the kids took turns being in charge.  When it was my turn, I brought to school a 45rpm record which had the Lord's Prayer on one side and the 23rd Psalm on the other side.  Mrs. Revelle was really pleased, and asked me to put the record on for the kids to hear, and meanwhile she ducked out to go down to the cafeteria to get an apple for her morning snack  That's when the trouble started.  We had a red-haired, freckle-faced little girl in our class, and she was as cute as a brand new puppy, so when she asked me to put on a record she had brought from home, I could not say no.
Turned out that the record was Elvis Presley singing "You ain't nothing but a hound-dog" and the kids loved it.  In fact they all went a little crazy, and before you could say "swivel hips", they were up and dancing, and I was like the disc jockey on WDAK "Big Johnny Reb" radio playing rock and roll, and rocking the house down.  That's about when Mrs. Revelle stepped back into the room with a look of total disappointment for me on her face.  I was sent to sit in the hall by myself, and I never told her that the record was not mine, so I knew I had messed things up with my favorite teacher, not to mention the little red haired girl, after she discovered that I had put a big old scratch down the middle of that record which made it jump every time, right between hound and dog.
To make matters worse, about the time I sat down out there in the hallway, along comes Ms. Nellie Smith, the school principal, who looked at me in disgust and asked what I was doing sitting out there in the hall.  When I told her, she told me I might as well come on down to her office and get my whipping, which she was really good at, I might add.  She used a one quarter inch thick, hardwood yardstick, and when she swung it, it made a cracking sound on your behind, that sounded like Mighty Casey at the bat.
Now I learned three important things from all of this.  One you can trust cute little girls to get you into trouble, but you can't trust them to get you out of it.  The second thing I learned, is that it is probably best to not mix religion with rock and roll.  And, the third thing I learned, was that I didn't want Nellie Smith hitting anymore homeruns off of me.