Thursday, June 25, 2020

"All God's Children"

​The Nankipooh Enquirer 

The Tommy-Town Times

"Covers the South like Sorghum Syrup"​
​Colonel Bascomb Biggers: Editor in Chief
​"All God's Children"
​There is no Black or White, not in terms of skin color, nor in terms of Right and Wrong, or Good or Bad when it refers to the Human Race, Instead our world is a mixture of color, sometimes Pink, sometime Brown, and often, swirls of Grey. To paint the world any other way is a dis-service and an injustice to all of mankind, and, You can tell-em I said so!  
Bascomb Biggers​
​Make Fried Chicken the National Dinner

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Love Thy Neighbor

The Nankipooh Enquirer
The Tommy-Town Times
"Covers the South like Sorghum Syrup"
P. O. Box 48
Nankipooh, Georgia
Tommy_Town, Georgia
Editor in Chief: Colonel Bascomb Biggers
Ace Reporter : Scoop Biggers 

"Love Thy Neighbor"

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Love Thy Neighbor refers to the Biblical phrase "thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself" from the Book of Leviticus and the New Testament about the ethic of reciprocity known as the Golden Rule.

We call it the “Golden Rule”, but it is really a short statement which simply outlines how Human Beings may exist side by side peacefully.

The other simple statement applied to the Human race is: “Divide and Conquer”

We are living in a time of much hatred between Far Left and Far Right Philosophies which share little common ground. In this country, the Politicians and the Press use this against us in order to keep us divided, so that they may control us through are own malice and distrust of each other. Under this stress the American People can never be successful.
There is both Good and Bad in either side, so what is needed is Respect for one another as Human Beings and as Fellow Countrymen.

Try to walk a little in the other fellow's shoes, and treat him as you might wish he would treat you! Do not let the Chaos Masters make you believe that your neighbor is your enemy, they only seek to gain through “Divide and Conquer” May Love for yourself, your neighbor, and your Country Triumph over those who use Anger to control us!

"Now that's the way I see it, and you can tell'em I said so!"

Bascomb Biggers

Bascomb Biggers on Facebook

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Bascomb Biggers for President

"Make Fried Catfish the National Dinner"