Sunday, July 21, 2019

The difference between Liberals and Progressives

The Nankipooh Enquirer
Editor in Chief: Bascomb Biggers
Ace Reporter: Scoop Biggers

"The difference between Liberals and Progressives"

I really did not know the difference​, but like a lot of folks​, I thought that the Liberals just gave themselves another name since the term "Liberal" really didn't seem very liberal in practice, and it started to make them feel bad about themselves.  Well I looked up several definitions, and it seems that there really is a difference.

The term "Liberal" really means put the government in charge of everything, and let the government pay for everything, and then get the money by taxing the working folks to pay the bill.
Now the "Progressives have a little different approach, they want to have the government control everything, and write laws and regulations which make the private business sector pay for everything.  Of course the private business sector then has to raise the amount of money they charge, and pass it along to the working folks who still end up paying the bill.
Its kinda like the difference between the Skunks (Republicans) and the Polecats (Democrats), they both stink.  What don't seem to change is that the Rich get richer, and the Poor keep getting more give to them, and the working folks keep paying the bills.
Now do you understand?
Scoop Biggers, Ace Reporter
The Nankipooh Enquirer
"Make Fried Chicken the National Dinner"

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