Wednesday, November 9, 2016

"Healing and Re-Building"

The Nankipooh Enquirer
"Covers the South like Sorghum Syrup"
P. O. Box 1849
Nankipooh, Georgia
Editor in Chief: Colonel Bascomb Biggers
Ace Reporter : Scoop Biggers 

"Scoop's Quips"

For years Bascomb has been telling you to vote against both the Skunks and the Polecats, and to vote against "Politics as Usual".
The American People have spoken, and a great weight has been lifted from off the Country.   

Let us now begin the process of Healing and Re-Building, and "Make this Country Great Again!"
Scoop  Biggers
Make "Real Value" the National Objective!                 

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Election USA 2016

"Scoop's Quips"

After watching all of the debates and viewing dozens of "news" stories revealing the dis-honest and sleazy nature of both candidates, as well as being subjected to an endless array of campaign ads which evidence a vulgar display of millions of wasted dollars, I have come to the only answer possible.  Neither of the two major party candidates is worthy of becoming President of the Good Old USA!  As I stated below a few months ago and I underscore at this date:

"Let's see, the election seems to be coming down to a two mule race between a Millionaire Professional Politician and a Billionaire Businessman who both claim to be People's Candidates.  Yeah Right, when do you think either one of them ever had to worry about the rent money?  Bascomb Biggers is still your best bet!"

Scoop  Biggers

Monday, July 25, 2016

Scoop's Quips: Opinions

"Scoop's Quips"

One of the biggest problems in today's society is everyone trying to voice their opinions at the same time.  Journalists don't report the news, they give their opinion, or at least the management's opinion.  You are constantly asked to take surveys and opinion polls for everything from politics to fanny-ribbon.  Which, come to think of it is about the same topic.  In addition to voicing our opinions, most of us feel compelled to let everyone we disagree with know our opinion on that as well.  This is a major cause for much of the dysfunction in our government, as well as our society. Well, at least that is my opinion!

Bascomb Biggers believes that a wise man keeps his own consul about most controversial topics, such as religion, politics and SEC football!
So, let your vote do your talking, and maybe others will also.
Scoop  Biggers

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Scoop's Quips

The Nankipooh Enquirer
"Scoop's Quips"
Let's see, the election seems to be coming down to a two mule race between a Millionaire Professional Politician and a Billionaire Businessman who both claim to be People's Candidates.  Yeah Right, when do you think either one of them ever had to worry about the rent money?  Bascomb Biggers is still your best bet!
Scoop  Biggers
Bascomb Biggers for President

Make "Real Value" the National Objective!                     

PLATFORM PLANK #9-Make Fried Catfish the National Dinner

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Something to Ponde


As the 2016 election trail continues its twisted path, we may see a huge storm developing on the horizon.  America has been deeply divided over the years between "Liberals and Conservatives", with elections clearly rotating around these diverse viewpoints, with a lot of attention being paid to various special interests on both sides.

We now have the potential for a dramatic showdown between "Left and Right".  If Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump should face each in the general election for President in November of 2016, the American people will have a clear choice as to the future course of our country.  Both are on the outside of typical party lines, and both claim to support the working class where most of the anger against the establishment seems to originate.

Sanders is an acknowledged Socialist who believes the average citizen can best be served by a large powerful government whose ability to intercede in their lives, will provide a better quality of life by equalizing assets.

Trump is an acknowledged Capitalist who espouses a smaller government with a hard stand on foreign economic interest as a means to create more wealth for the working class.

It has been a long time since two opposing candidates both sought approval from the average worker with such different philosophies.  This may be the ultimate conflict between these two very different approaches, giving the American People a clear choice on our path for the future.

At any rate, neither the Republican Party, nor the Democrat Party leaders are in favor of this outcome.  It could divide the country even further, or perhaps create a more consolidated approach to the future.  It will not be politics as usual, but it will be interesting to watch.
(Of course, you can always vote for Bascomb)

Scoop  Biggers

Saturday, January 16, 2016

2016 "Bascomb takes a stand"

The Nankipooh Enquirer
"Covers the South like Sorghum Syrup"

A lot of folks have been asking me where I stand on the issues, besides hating all of the lying Skunks and Polecats up in DC.

Well there are four big issues facing the country today.

1. Immigration

2. Money

3. Jobs

4. Terrorists

Well first let me say that when it comes to our borders, that I believe we should have regular patrols to keep them folks from down in Columbus from sneaking in up here in Nankipooh. I also understand that there has been a few of them Roosevelt Liberals from over in Warm Springs coming over here to our barn dances.

When it comes to the broader issue, I ain't wanting none of them folks from Alabama or Tennessee coming around here neither. Now my kin folks came to Nankipooh from South Carolina a few hundred years ago, so I guess them folks are alright, but we don't want none of them Yankees sneaking up here from Florida though.

Now when you start talking about money, it’s a tough subject, since most of the folks around Nankipooh ain't got much of it. It seems like the government and the banks got most of the money, and they ain't spreading it around too much. The big Federal Bank up in DC just keeps giving the littler banks money for free, and they use it to buy up mortgages and other banks. The 1st Nankipooh Bank wouldn't even lend old Bascomb any money to put more stock in the Nankipooh General Store. A bunch of folks around here is trading with each other, since they ain't got no money, but I understand that the government is trying to figure out how to put a tax on that too.

Maybe the best thing would be for us to print our own money down here in Nankipooh and not use none of them DC greenbacks. We ain't got none anyway. Course the Skunks and Polecats up in DC won't allow that either, since they are the only ones allowed to print money to pay bills, that they ain't got no money for. So I say let's do away with money and go back to using gold and silver, or just trading with one another.

Now the hardest thing is how to come up with some more jobs. Maybe the farmers could take on folks to help them, and teach them how to farm, and then after they have learned, they could give them a little strip of land of their own to farm. Old Bascomb is willing to take on a helper at the Nankipooh General Store and teach him how to be a store keeper in exchange for him running the soft drink department on a commission basis.

There is a lot of folks that ain't got a job cause they don't know how to do what people is paying for. Maybe the Mayor of Nankipooh could teach some folks about politics, since there seems to be a lot of work for politicians. It also seems that the government and the banks ought to be hiring since they got all the money. If folks don't work, they can't spend money or pay taxes, and that's what it takes to keep things running

As far as Terrorism goes, I saw a bunch of them kids from over in Double Churches running around over here in Nankipooh stealing apples and spray painting folk’s barns.  I done called the county sheriff to do something about those brats, since that is one of the main jobs that the government is supposed to do.  Protecting the citizens, as a matter of fact, is supposed to be the number one job of the government.  Course, the sheriff we got right now don’t seem to have much time for that, since he is always spending his time pitching horse shoes, or making speeches about how things really ain’t all that bad.

Now the one thing we all got to learn to get through hard times, is that you can't buy things that you ain't got no money for. If you are in debt, you can't borrow your way out of debt, just like you can't dig yourself out of a hole! That goes for folks in Nankipooh as well as the Skunks and Polecats up in DC!

"Now, that's the way I see it, and you can tell'em I said so!"
Bascomb Biggers
Bascomb Biggers for President
Make "Real Value" the National Objective!                     
PLATFORM PLANK #9-Make Fried Catfish the National Dinner