Thursday, April 17, 2014

"Backbone not Jawbone"

The Nankipooh Enquirer "Covers the South like Sorghum Syrup"
P. O. Box 1849
Nankipooh, Georgia
Editor in Chief: Colonel Bascomb Biggers
Ace Reporter : Scoop Biggers

Backbone not Jawbone"

Here in Georgia we have quite a race setting up for United States senator, with at least four Republicans and one Democrat campaigning for the seat.  Several attack ads have already appeared, most paid for by groups outside of the state with money, trying to influence our election.  In the race we have one multi-millionaire trying to buy some more power, one candidate with a well known name, and several professional politicians, but a statesman is yet to be seen.

The problem with this election, like most we have witnessed over the past decade, is that it is mostly about "jawbone" and has little to do with "backbone".  The "backbone" of this state and this country, is made up of middle-class, hard-working, average people.  A great percentage of the wealth of this state, and this nation, is owned by these people in the form of residential real estate, savings accounts, and certificates of deposit.  During past elections, we have heard a lot of talk about the need to help "Main Street" instead of "Wall Street".  Thus far it has been mostly "jawbone" and very little "backbone".

In the past five years, the country has gone from about nine trillion dollars in debt, to an ever-accelerating seventeen plus trillion dollar debt, with no end to the madness in sight.  At the same time, food prices, gasoline prices, insurance costs, and taxes have continued to soar.  Meanwhile Wall Street and the country's major financial institutions have continued to flourish, while "Main Street" faces a decrease in spending power for middle-class America, which has spiraled downward since the mid 1990's.  During all of this time the "jawboning" of politicians has been a constant background noise to cover the lack of "backbone" evidenced by them in solving any of the state and country's major problems.

I urge all citizens and potential voters to pay attention to the real issues, and tune out the background noise of "jawboning", by professional politicians, and power seekers, while we search for leadership with "backbone".  The Health of the State of Georgia, and the United States of America, is more important at this juncture, than any other issue, including "Healthcare".

"Just my opinion"

Scoop Biggers


PLATFORM PLANK #9-Make Fried Catfish the National Dinner

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