Tuesday, March 29, 2011

"Birds of Prey"

DATELINE: 3/29/2011

The symbol for this great country has always been the American Bald Eagle. Everybody was for it back in the early days, except maybe for old Ben Franklin, who wanted it to be the American Wild Turkey. Well I was fishin down in the salt water for speckled trout some time back, and I saw something that made me kinda re-consider old Ben's point of view.

While I was fishin for those trout, I saw an Osprey (fish eagle) dive down into the water and snatch up a trout with his talons and start headin back to the nest with it. About this time here comes a bald eagle bearin down on that osprey, and before you can say excuse me, he has hit that osprey right in the back. Well the osprey drops that fish and turns upside down in mid air to turn its talons toward the eagle, but its too late. The eagle headed straight for the dropped fish, snatched it up, and was flyin back home before you knew what was happenin.

Now osprey only eat and feed their young the fresh fish which they catch themselves, while an eagle will eat most anything, and likes to rob the osprey of their catch. Which is the more noble bird?

It seems like the American Eagle up in DC has been robbin a lot of folks in this country of their hard earned catch, and not only feedin their young, but a lot of other folks who ain't earned nothin for themselves. It has done got to the point where this old osprey can't catch enough fish for me and all of them too!

I believe that old Ben realized that the Wild Turkey takes care of themselves and their own too. Maybe its time to send a Turkey (or an osprey) to DC, and Bascomb is ready to go.

"Now, that's the way I see it, and you can tell'um I said so!"

Bascomb Biggers

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