Thursday, October 20, 2016

Election USA 2016

"Scoop's Quips"

After watching all of the debates and viewing dozens of "news" stories revealing the dis-honest and sleazy nature of both candidates, as well as being subjected to an endless array of campaign ads which evidence a vulgar display of millions of wasted dollars, I have come to the only answer possible.  Neither of the two major party candidates is worthy of becoming President of the Good Old USA!  As I stated below a few months ago and I underscore at this date:

"Let's see, the election seems to be coming down to a two mule race between a Millionaire Professional Politician and a Billionaire Businessman who both claim to be People's Candidates.  Yeah Right, when do you think either one of them ever had to worry about the rent money?  Bascomb Biggers is still your best bet!"

Scoop  Biggers